CS 419 Production Computer Graphics


Bare Bones Ray Tracing

Due: September 20, 11:55pm

For your first programming assignment you will implement a bare bones ray-tracer with the following capabilities:

  1. Ray-object intersection support for:
    1. Planes
    2. Spheres
    3. Triangles
  2. Orthographic projection

  3. Perspective projection with a movable camera

  4. Multi-jittered sampling for the primary rays

  5. Simple shading using the Blinn-Phong or Phong reflectance model. Just do diffuse (Lambertain) shading without any specular component. Use a directional light with no position


You will hand in your code and 5 images:

Hand-in will be done on Compass and detailed instructions will be forthcoming


Feature Points
Writes out an image! 1
Ray-Plane Intersection 2
Ray-Triangle Intersection 2
Ray-Sphere Intersection 2
Orthographic Projection 1
Perspective Projection 1
Movable Camera 2
Multi-Jittered Sampling 2
Shading 2

Technical Details

Keep in mind that if you use code from other sources, you must document the use of that code