CS 419 Production Computer Graphics


Office Hour

I will hold an office hour on Tuesdays from 10am to 11am in 2209 Siebel Center.


Ray Tracing from the Ground Up Book Ray-Tracing from the Ground Up by Kevin Suffern


This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, we encourage you to post your questions on Piazza. Find our class page at: https://piazza.com/illinois/fall2018/cs419

Machine Problems

There will be 4 MPs Each is worth 15% of the total course grade

Late Work Policy

The late policy will to accept MP submissions at a penalty of 10% off per day late.Exceptions to the policy can be made in the case of documented illness or other exceptional circumstances. Contact the instructor via e-mail.

Coding and Collaboration

Unless otherwise specified in the assignment, you should feel free to collaborate on designing a solution to the MPs. You must document your collaborators. Submit the name and netids of all collaborators in a README.txt file along with your code submission. Each person should type in the code on their own, rather than simply sharing files or copying and pasting. Each required image submission should be a unique scene, meaning each collaorator should submit scenes they have created themselves.

In addition, you must follow the CS 419 Coding Conventions…which consist of supplying a list of all libraries or other code grabbed and/or copied in your project. In the same README.txt file, list each software resource on a separate line using a format of:

(Name of Resource) (url or other reference)


There will be two exams. The exams will in be class and the tentative dates are Oct. 10 and Dec. 5 Each exam is worth 20% of the course grade. The exams will be multiple-choice and consist of 21 questions graded out of 20 questions. The exams will draw heavily on the assigned reading.

Grading MPs are worth 60% of the total grade and the midterm exams 40%

Software You are free to use any programming language and computing platform you wish for the programming assignments.

Other Policies Do not make class material publicly available. The code you write is your own and you may make it public if you wish.