CS 419 Production Computer Graphics


Accelerated Ray Tracing

Due: October 16, 11:55pm

For your second programming assignment you will implement:

  1. Reading and rendering a mesh in the OBJ or PLY format.
    See Ray Tracing from the Ground Up Chapter 23 Meshes

  2. A spatial data structure to accelerate intersection testing.
    A uniform grid is sufficient, but you could implement any of the following instead:
    1. A KD-Tree wikipedia link
    2. A Bounding Volume Hierarchy wikipedia link
    3. An Octree wikipedia link
  3. Support for shadows.
    See Ray Tracing from the Ground Up Chapter 16 Shadows

  4. Support for point lights.
    See Ray Tracing from the Ground Up Chapter 14 Lights and Materials

  5. Shading that uses both diffuse and specular reflection.
    You can use the Phong reflection model wikipedia link


You will hand in your code and 2 images:

Both images should exhibit:

You also need to write a brief technical report that briefly describes which acceleration structure you implemented.

Write one paragraph and include a table that shows the time required to render the following:

Include a README.txt file in which you list all pieces of code you did not write.
This includes any libraries, source code downloaded, or source code you typed in or adapted from a listing you read.
Please use something like the following format 1. Name-Of-Piece-Of-Code URL-to-Source

Hand-in will be done on Compass.


Note that these meshes may need to be scaled and translated to work with easily. You can do so as pre-processing step or you can implement affine transformations in your renderer…see Ray Tracing from the Ground Up Chapter 20 Affine Transformations


Feature Points
Acceleration Structure 5
Rendering a Mesh 4
Point Light 1
Diffuse and Specular Shading 1
Shadows 1
Technical Report 3